现在招聘! 探索SMS设备的职业生涯. 观点的机会


Kindret景观集团 has been helping Winnipeg’s businesses and residences look clean and beautiful for decades. 第三代, award-winning full-service landscape construction firm specializes in designing, building, and maintaining commercial and residential landscaping throughout the Winnipeg Metropolitan Region. 这些服务包括景观设计, 设计/建造, 混凝土工程(包括修复工程), aborist服务, and property maintenance with snow removal in the winter months.

瑞安Kindret, Managing Principal for the Kindret Group and the third generation working in the family business, has been involved with the company as far back as he can remember.

“我在商业环境中长大. I started by watering flowers and then graduated to pushing the lawnmower,” he recalls.

Kindret worked in the family business until his late teens, when he earned a scholarship to go and play hockey at Cornell University in Ithaca, N.Y. 2009年,肩伤结束了他的冰球生涯, 他回到学校攻读商学学位, 2011年毕业. He then returned home to help grow the family business and grow it has.

The company has been recognized with several industry awards in recent years, including perennial winners of the Manitoba Nursery Landscape Association (MBNLA) annual awards for landscaping – its most recent win is the Award of Merit for Polo Park Plaza 2021.
Kindret Landscape Group currently employs approximately 80 people in peak season and owns and operates wheel loaders, 履带机和挖掘机, 还有它的卡车车队. 以满足今年的需求, the company expanded its fleet by purchasing three Takeuchi compact equipment units: a TB260 小型挖掘机及两台 TL6R 跟踪加载器.

这些单位由伊恩·韦伯斯特提供, light construction sales representative for 全国最大的彩票平台 in the Greater Winnipeg Metropolitan Area.

“Ian had reached out and stopped by our office with some product information a few years ago, 提供演示,Kindret回忆道. “当时, 我们不是在找新机器, 但后来我们成长了,开始接手更多的项目.”

Kindret appreciated Webster’s responsiveness to his questions and decided to 购买他的第一个 来自SMS设备的TL6R履带式装载机.

“演示它们时,它们看起来就像工作马 他们可以 处理复杂而富有挑战性的工作金德雷特说.

The Takeuchi unit received positive feedback from operators and management, so when the company was looking to purchase a new compact excavator, 他们决定试着租一台TB260型小型挖掘机.
“The feedback from our field operations was that the operators really enjoyed it, so we decided to make the purchase – and then another TL6R金德雷特说. “我认为他们从来没有想过要退还租金."


The 售后服务是一个关键的考虑因素 用于向SMS设备公司购买设备.

“Ian is always there to help us out with whatever we needed, 与我们的商店和商店经理一起工作, 和他们一起检查所有的设备金德雷特说. “他很乐意和我们联系, letting us know about sales going on and if we need servicing.”

Webster’s background as a Red Seal certified heavy equipment technician with eight years of experience under his belt as a service technician with 全国最大的彩票平台 gives him unparalleled insight into the proper maintenance and operation of the equipment.

“我认为这真的很有帮助. I can answer a lot of questions on the fly without having to ask for technical support from other people,” he says. “If anyone has a question or an issue, I’m just a phone call away. 我将永远尽我最大的努力帮助他们.”

Webster also assists his clients with training new operators from time to time.

“If a new operator is unfamiliar with the controls of a piece of equipment, 我可以指导他们. 这是我能做的一件小事. This is something I’ve done for so long that it comes naturally to me. 我想很多人都很欣赏这一点."


The TL6R履带式装载机 are 用于各种应用 during the busy season, from grading to transporting soil and gravel, moving pallets around and more.

“我们什么都用它们金德雷特说, adding that his company purchased several attachments to take advantage of the 跟踪加载器’ versatility. “我们有一把树铲,用来挖树洞. 我们有叉子和桶. 刨床进行精细分级. A boom attachment to hook a chain up to for lifting big burlap trees and putting them in the holes.”

The company also uses its TL6R履带式装载机 in the winter to service some customers 365 days a year.

“We put snow tracks on them for better traction on parking lots and use them for snow removal金德雷特说, adding that having year-round contracts helps retain employees during the slower season.

“Everyone wants to work year-round, and we have clients that want work year-round. 它们是我们生意的完美机器.”

The TB260 compact excavator is used to dig out many shrub beds on the company’s landscape projects and dig trenches, 植树孔, 和次要评分.

“它非常通用. We use it on a lot of our larger projects金德雷特说.


Kindret says the key benefit of his company’s purchase of Takeuchi compact equipment has been the ability to do more work with less manpower.

“That’s evidenced on our financials and job costing sheets. The machines are doing a lot more than we expected金德雷特说. “这些机器为我们节省了大量的劳动力成本. 在温尼伯这样的气候下, 你在哪里做了六个月的景观设计, 如果你幸运的话, 竹内机器是我们业务的重要组成部分.”

In the future, Kindret would like to see his family’s business continue to grow and expand.
“I want to keep tackling more challenging projects and keep adding and improving our services in the businesses we currently have, 什么能让我们的客户满意,” he says. “If a job is new to us, we’ll definitely look into it and see if we can do it. Our long-term goal is to phase into verticial integration, 继续投资于我们的车队和团队成员, 处理任何我们遇到的项目, 大或小.”

Kindret says investing in Takeuchi compact equipment is a big part of its winning formula.

“说到获奖, 拥有适合这些工作的设备 这是很大的一部分吗?”他说.

Takeuchi TL6R (Cab)

Tier 4 Final 



14 cu ft. (0.40 m3)



Tier 4 Final



12′9.40″ (3895 mm)


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