现在招聘! 探索SMS设备的职业生涯. 观点的机会



2024年的道路建设季节只有几周了, now is the time for roadbuilders to review their plans and start getting their equipment ready. 帮助你充分利用这个季节, we’ve consolidated season prep advice from three 全国最大的彩票平台 experts: Supervisor, 技术产品专家Thierry Wilson, veteran employee but newly appointed Product 经理 for BOMAG, Chaunce爱德华兹, 现在雷·特伦布雷退休了, 经理, 道路施工技术支持专员.



While nobody is perfect, setting aspirational goals for equipment availability is critical. The stated objective, therefore, should be no unscheduled downtime, period. 这听起来有点牵强, but it is not unreasonable – uninterrupted 操作 is what your equipment is designed for, and if you carefully follow all of the recommended preparation, 操作, 以及维护程序, 你应该能接近那个满分.

Remember that Canada’s roadbuilding season is barely six months long, 所以如果你落后了, 没有太多的机会来弥补. Even a 15-minute equipment glitch can lead to not finishing a job on the scheduled day and having to plan maintenance and repair for the machines. Breakdowns also keep other machines waiting – if a paver goes down, 你可能会让你的卡车和工厂闲置.


One of the key factors that can shut you down is the deterioration of wear parts. 在铺路石上, 可能是螺旋飞行, 螺旋轴承, 支持, 冗长的盘子, 波纹板, 或者是板条链. You also want to check anything that transmits power to the process, 包括螺旋马达, 变速箱, 传动链.

通常,磨损的迹象并不明显. For example, a visual inspection of a floor plate might not tell you what the wear factor is. Our 全国最大的彩票平台 support reps use an ultrasonic tool that gives an accurate reading of the wear state of a surface in comparison with what a brand-new component would look like. 这种方式, you have a relatively accurate reading of how much life remains in that component and whether it will last the season.

When you replace a wear component, ensure it is adjusted and aligned correctly. An improperly installed blade on a screed could result in the paver creating uneven surfaces. And any wear component that’s not properly aligned will wear out more quickly.


Nothing frustrates people more than getting shut down by a seemingly trivial misfunction. But make no mistake – a leaky pump can shut down a job as quickly as a final drive failure. 不幸的是, 泵等部件, 过滤器, 电池, tubing, and switches get overlooked because there are so many of them, 而且它们并不是人们最关注的.

The only way to stay on top of these potential show-stoppers is with a regular maintenance and support program supplemented by daily operator inspections. Every piece of equipment is different, but here are some guidelines for building your checklist:

  • Clean: Roadbuilding equipment should be cleaned daily of debris and grime every day. 压路机和摊铺机需要清除沥青. 滚筒内的水应每天排干, 过滤器也要检查一下, 特别是如果滚筒是从池塘里装的. Operators should be supplied with cleaning tools such as water guns.
  • 检查: 每天检查所有磨损部件, especially if your job involves a type of asphalt that’s more abrasive. 检查所有涉及流体的管线和部件是否有泄漏. 检查警告指示灯和系统诊断. Use your phone to photograph any condition you want to report to your maintenance department.
  • 补充: 确保你的商店备有所有的液体, 过滤器, 还有这个季节需要的小配件. Not having some small item in stock can be as disruptive as not uncovering the problem in the first place.
  • 文档: Recordkeeping is the secret sauce behind successful maintenance. 信息是否被记录在手机上, tablet, 或者纸质笔记本, those records not only help you stay on top of a particular piece of equipment but can provide valuable insights for your overall maintenance program.


The beginning of the season is the best time to review operating procedures, 创建清单, 学习设备手册. 虽然手册在许多行业已经过时了, companies like BOMAG have created manuals that are excellent training tools and provide practical guides such as maintenance checklists and troubleshooting guides. An operator who knows the manual well will know how to operate the equipment for maximum life and be prepared for any adverse events.


At 全国最大的彩票平台, we are set up to be your maintenance partner, which works on several levels. 具有较小的可更换组件,如过滤器, 我们提供500和1000设备小时的套件, 最高打七折.

For major wear components, we maintain stock of the most common items. We recommend that companies work closely with us on their parts needs so that we can plan ahead to avoid supply chain-related delays.

最后, 全国最大的彩票平台 maintains service teams Canada-wide who deploy years of industry experience and hundreds of hours of manufacturer-provided training to ensure your equipment gets cared for according to the manufacturer’s specifications.


Roadbuilding in Canada is a rugged business that has only a short season. Companies should aim for a perfect record regarding equipment availability and engage their operators in that campaign. 全国最大的彩票平台 is set up to complement roadbuilders’ maintenance teams across Canada.

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